Sunday, October 02, 2005

Trip to Pardubice

The municipality coat of arms for Pardubice - reminds me about "Levanger Kommune" in Norway.
A couple of photos from around Pardubice
One of the dormitories in Pardubice
Strange building for the CSOB-banka
Did I mention we searched for a hostel for 5 hours? Well, as you can see we where a bit far of the tourist area.
When we finally arrived at the right place (according to the map and the nice girl at the information center) we met a man that only spoke czech. After calling around for 15 minutes we realized that it had been shut down - because it said: "For sale" on the building. So after 5 hours walking this is how we all felt, and decided to get some FOOD (and beer..)
If you go to a restaurant, please do not order Mexican salad. As you can see on the picture it is not exactly a 5 star meal. Try the chichken-toast appetizer instead - dobre!
After not bringing our passport or any ID, we tried to get a room at the student dormitory. She did not speak a word english, but we managed to understand "pass and polizie", and promised to send the passport-number with email when we arrived home today (which I have done). The beer-festival was full of drunk people, beer for 14 CZK (4 NOK) and stupid things you could buy to wear around your neck, ears and everywhere.
It is not everyday you can see an old man with 2 fingers up his nose, a strange old man trying to hit on a 30 year younger girl, a man with hitler-mustache and a local band that plays the same melody as the cheer-song of the Norwegian footballteam Rosenborg.
Name: Ælske Rosenborg:
Rosenborg, Rosenborg, ælske rosenborg
Vi e kjernen, det e vi som syng, ælske rosenborg
Rosenborg, Rosenborg, ælske rosenborg
Vi e kjernen, det e vi som syng, ælske rosenborg

We danced polka through the whole building, including through the bar and kitchen
This is where it all happened.

The set-list for the heavy-metall band the night was: REM,Rednex and alot of czech songs (the one I remember is pivo - that was the only word thay said through the whole song).

After the beer-festival we went to a local pub/bar and "looked at" some girls that could never have survived the Norwegian winter, but it is hard to find windproof underwear these days.

At last you can have a little test about one of my friends here in Prague. You have to find one thing that is wrong in the following sentences: "I drink alot of beer, shag beautiful women, go to shopping malls to find different flavours of condoms, I`m a Muslim, do not eat pork and like to party."

In Pardubice there are hardly any people (except for the students) that speak English, so it is a really nice place to go to learn czech. They also have the best icehockey-team in Czech Rep., so I want to go there someday to see a match.


Anonymous said...

hi sigi, it was a great trip!

SigTill said...

I know, I was there :) Nice to year from you this early in the morning. Shows that you have already started to "study" hard :) Perhaps you have started the 2 pages essay till tuesday already? Had some goals to try to start collecting information about it today - but finding my last courses + shopping + dinner + beer + tea-party sounds attempting too. Well, we`ll see how it goes.