Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Farewellparty for Guillaume :( :( :(

Nice view of Prague from top of the clock tower. YES it is possible not to stand just straight ahead of the clock and watch those stupid figures come out of the clock, but go INSIDE and have a great view.

My roommate was leaving back to Belgium for good, we could not let that happen withouth a real fight, so what is better than a chocolate competition between Belgium and Norway? People where chosen at random and had to try 4 different chocolates, 2 from Norway (Stratos and Melkesjokolade) and 2 from Belgium (Noisette and Praline) and then rank them from 1 to 4.

Some comments during the test:
Kerstin: More like coffee or something
Michi: It`s like in church
Martha: It doesn`t taste like water
Recpetionpeople: "Insert something in czech here" ... dlouha (long) ... "Insert something in czech here" ... dobre (good) ... "Insert something in czech here" ... oreskova (peanuts) ... "Insert something in czech here"

Besides these people also several people at the party participated, and Receptiongirl I, Receptionboy I and FriendofReceptionGirlOrBoy (3 Czech people).
So here are the results of the ERASMUS jury:
Stratos (NOR) - 47 points (sepoa-depoa)
Noisettes (BEL) - 45 points (øpoi depy)
Praline (BEL) - 35 points (gipi lepø)
Melkesjokolade (NOR) - 34 points (øn fi)

To summarize: Czech people like chocolate with nuts, and hate chocolate with beautiful, norwegian, fresh, cold, clean, natural milk. Everyone likes chocolate with nuts, and ofcourse Norway makes by far the best chocolate - EVER (almost...).

My great hat (thanks for the present :)) with a matching shirt.

Weirdfrenchgame on the tram nr I

Weirdfrenchgame on afterparty (named "wash vi tash" or something similar.... ), and yes - I have a movie of it :)

So goodbye Guillaume. I will give you some advice on the travel: "You have to learn English some day", some day I will knock on your door and say "Hello, I will stay here for some days!", Norwegian chocolate is better than Belgian, and of course I will annoy you on MSN as often as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guy. Good to be back in Belgium. You are welcome here in my house whenever you want, maybe it's better during easter holidays. I think I will organize a party the week end of 7-8-9 april, so you can book your bus... But if you want to meet my parents, you have to come at an other moment because they won't be there at this time.
For my english, I practice it everyday :-)
And I don't have time to leave my MSN open all the day like when I was with you. Hope that Melih sings as well as before...
See you in Belgium