Friday, November 11, 2005

Country-presentation of NOR,SWE and FIN

...and ofcourse Norway had to show how to make "Karsk"....

..Finland had a great movie and Santa Claus with free Vodka!

Norwegian fenalår,brunost,reinsdyr,melkesjokolade and Swedish kaviar,knekkebrød and snus got eaten as fast as fresh-baked bread. Someone dared to try the Karsk too - and everyone enjoyed it (well, someone thought it was a bit strong - but let us just say everyone loved it).

This is the expression of me when I discovered a Waterpipe! And some friends trying the stuff. Water is healthy - and smoking waterpipe with peach-taste have to be even more healthy.

This is me asking for the price of the Waterpipe, only to discover it is very cheap (I do not remember the price...) and thinking I have to get one of those... or two.... or three...

A widescreenphoto to show how mutch fun we had.

So, you have seen the pictures and want to have as fun as we had? Just follow these simple steps:
a) Gather alot of cool people
b) Have a digital-camera to document everything
c) Wake up the day after and your foot and stomach hurts, but you do not remember why
d) Wake up next day and find out you do not have your camera anymore - only to discover it have been "confiscated" by the International office, to "censor" some of the pictures
e) Pay 4 times as mutch for a taxi home, when you could have taken the tram
f) Stay inside for some days, so perhaps people do not tell you stories about how drunk you where
g) Cut fenalår for several hours (while drinking) and NOT get cut!

To top it off - had alot of fun and I am really looking forward for tomorrows math between Czech Republic and Norway. See you there.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Av alle ting man kunne tatt tak i, jeg vil skryte og si at du ser godt ut i skjerf, sigg!